Website Development

Website Development

Web Development is a process consisting of several key stages. When developing web- sites, technologies and applications we follow a methodology similar to that we use in the development of PC software. The name "P2D" is an abbreviation of the three main phases: Planning - Design - Development.


Planning is an important part of website development, it's a good idea to write down some notes, draw concept ideas and so on, however, the plan is usually never followed, it is merely to help come up with a starting point, and to give ideas as the design process proceeds.
The planning process is where the decision of static or dynamic content will come in, this is upon your decision, static websites usually do not contain any interactivity, where as a dynamic site can contain many additional extras, photo galleries, login systems, guestbooks, forums, news, blogs, pretty much anything which gives some user interactivity; You may like to have somewhere in between, this is also fine, at this point of the planning it is just about deciding what is dynamic and what is static.


Design of the website can be a lot of work, it is vital for us to make sure your site looks great at the same time keeps it simple for your visitors to use, we always avoid adding complicated design to make it look great but is difficult for people to navigate or use.
A well designed website will become an excellent marketing tool, a way of creating an online identity for you, your company or organisation, thus enabling you to reach out to your customers that would have otherwise not been possible.


Now we have started the development of your site, this part of the development is the heart to your site, for dynamic sites this is a key stage of your site development, for static websites however there is often little to-do at this stage.
At this stage we will begin adding your guestbooks, forums, galleries, or whatever content you have decided you would like to be added, after completion of development, we will then begin to optimise the website to make sure it is fast and uses less resources.